Opening Night
Hey Its Char!!
    Today was way more rewarding then I expected it to be.  There were interviews left and right, and just plain excitement everywhere.  If you ask anyone in my press committee they will all tell you how red I got during the interviews, I tried to take the lead, but maybe that got the best of me and I got a little too excited, because believe me I was purple.  There were many opportunities to find out about our fellow film makers, and we tried to seize all of them.
    The day started at 8:20 am, when we started working right when we got there.  We started at SBMS this morning, we hitched up the trailer and headed downtown.  We arrived at the Hotel Santa Barbara, and that's when the excitement started to happen. We got our press passes, and then it was official, we were now known as the “SBMS Teen Press.”  Right after we got our passes, I tried to get an interview, and boy was it successful. I talked to John Ferry and his partner in crime, his wife. They had just finished making a film called Sitting Bull, a Stone in My Heart.  They were very interesting, and very nice. Their film should be phenomenal.
Here is an excerpt from our interview:
Q: How long have the two of you been making films, and what kind of films?
A: John and I have been making films, for over 30 years, most of the films are films about artists. I am John's co-writer and co-producer.
Q:How do you feel about your movie, and what is it about?
A: Our film is about a Native American named Tatanka Iyotanka (his spiritual name) or Sitting Bull. It explains his life story, and how there is still an Indian Reservation in Nevada where Indians, are trying to work and live and hold on to their Indian traditions.
    After my wonderful interview with Mr. and Mrs. Ferry, the Teen Press talked to Kim, one of the heads of the whole festival, and she couldn't get us to stop laughing.  After our hilarious conversation with Kim, Eli, Alexa, David, and I talked to Carol Marshall, the SBIFF Director of Public Relations. She gave us some of the inside scoop and got us feeling like real reporters.  We then snagged one more interview with Gail Osherenko, the creator of Arctic Expedition, another movie that will be screened at the festival.  Finally we got out of the way of the people working at the Santa Barbara Hotel and headed to go get some grub at Tuttini's the best sandwich place ever, in my opinion.  After we went to lunch we got some office supplies, and now I am writing this summary of the day.
    Tonight should be amazing. Eli, David, and I will be going to Opening Night, where they will be screening Factory Girl. Eli and I will be talking to the stars on the red carpet!!
    See you tomorrow at Char Char’s Chat!!
P.S. I'll tell you about the Opening Night Tribute, and tell you the do's and don'ts of the red carpet.
Char Char’s Chat
Thursday, January 25, 2007