Little Miss Sunshine
    Little Miss Sunshine has and always will be one of my favorite movies.  I think one of the main reasons I like it so much is because it is so simple, yet so complex.  You see, with most movies, they end in a fairytale way, but in this movie, it ends the way it real life would end.  I also think that they really made the movie in a way that most don't, because most movies are all over the top, but in this movie it is simple, and is so similar to a true story.  While we were screening the film, the fire alarm went off right before the best part, where Olive starts her dance routine. As we were doing an interview with the director, he quoted that as “a Little Miss Sunshine moment.” It reminded him of the plot in Little Miss Sunshine, because, during any serious part, something funny happens.
(This interview has been modified slightly.)
Q: During the process of making this film did you ever think that it would be nominated for an Oscar?
A: Never!
Q: How was it like filming with Abby?
A: It was very fun, and she was very mature for her age, but still had that kid feel to her.  And, she also perfected every take, while the others messed them up.  She was perfect.  
    Also, there was a great quote said by one of the viewers in the audience: "This story really puts the fun in dysfunctional".
Saturday, January 27, 2007