Klunkerz Q & A
    I thought that Klunkerz, made by William Savage, was a very interesting, informative, and well-made film.  It taught me everything, about how the first mountain bike was made, and who made it.  The film is mainly about the stories this high-on-life group.  As they risked their lives, and their limbs, on every trial, they finally figured out the different secrets on building a good mountain bike.  As they each shared the credit for making the bike, they also shared the process, as some crafted the bike, others figured out what they needed to improve the invention, while others took the chance of riding these new things down the frightening hills of mountain Tamalpais.  The best part of the movie was the interview afterwards:
(This interview has been modified slightly.)
Q: How did you find out about the Marin riders?
A: Well since I was a kid I have always known about these cyclists, and every time I talked to one of the riders, they would give me another phone number for another rider.
Q: Did you have any sponsors to make this film?
A: I sponsored myself mainly, but my wife’s parents pitched in a lot.
Q: What is next for your career?
A: Well I am actually working on a project right now, and that is what inspired me originally to make this film, which I decided to convert into the Marin riders film, but now I want to pick up my old project again.
Saturday, January 27, 2007