The Pursuit of Happyness is a movie about a poor black family, that goes through many struggles and loses many things, but never loses their love, support, and integrity.  Chris Gardner and his five year old son, Christopher are left by Christopher’s, when her husband, Chris can’t seem to make ends to meet. Even after being at the top of all his classes in high school and feeling as if he could do anything, Chris has ended up in a bad situation.  Chris tries to be a good father and tries his hardest to make sure that his son respects and looks up to him. After many sleepless nights for Chris, he finally gets a call from a job he was pursuing to create a better life for him and his son, the job of becoming a stockbroker.  And, after many months of extensive training and testing, he becomes one of the new employees. As their life passes things get better, and their journey of pursuing happiness soon comes to an end.
       “The most amazing pursuit to true happiness.”
        The Pursuit of Happyness, is one of the best movies I have ever seen.  It really made me think about what happiness really means, and how in everybody’s life there are multiple times in which you are not just automatically happy, but you must pursue happiness to achieve it.  This movie really grabbed me and made me feel part of the film and the plot.  I think that the acting was phenomenal and that the story was amazing and deep. I also think that it had many different twists that got you thinking.  An example of that is that I believe the reason why they spelled the word “Happyness” in the title with a “y” instead of an “i” was not just because Christopher’s daycare spells it that way, but to give the word happyness a much deeper meaning.  The “y” in the title it seems to question happiness, which Chris and Christopher do often in this movie. So every time Chris complains about the sign that is spelled incorrectly at the daycare, he is not just complaining about that, but is also complaining about his own happiness.  I also think that this movie really teaches you that to complain about your happiness is to question your happiness, and to truly be happy, you must really know how to spell happiness with an “I” to say “I am happy.”
 Charlotte says she learned how to spell happiness.