On Global Warming

For quite a long time, I remained skeptical about global warming. I did acknowledge its existence, but was unsure if humans caused it. There was a huge amount of people in my school that believed it was man made. In fact, some were so concerned about this theory that they made announcements at our school meetings such as “people are dieing from global warming every day. You should be concerned about this!” All I could do then was chuckle. I believed that it was a natural cycle that was warming up the earth, not Co2 emissions from power plants and cars.

Of course, my perspective changed after seeing An Inconvenient Truth, despite the fact that it was one-sided. What An Inconvenient Truth did for me was to show what some of the effects of global warming are. Suddenly, all of the evidence from the heat waves in Europe and how much the ice caps were melting turned my entire belief upside-down. I felt really bad for laughing at that girl in the meeting. Of course, Al Gore’s proposal rests on one theory, as pointed out by the other one-sided global warming movie, The Great Global Warming Swindle. This is the theory that Co2 doesn’t cause global warming, global warming causes Co2. The evidence for this is in the ice core samples. One will notice that the Co2 content in the air actually lags behind the temperature increase, noting that it is coming after the warming, not causing it.

To me this seemed legitimate until I found out that one of the scientists himself was swindled during the making of the movie. He wasn’t even told the title of the film when they were interviewing him, and they cut out over half of his discussion to fit the documentary.