1778 Stories of Me and My Wife starts with the main character, Sakutaro, writing in a park and imagining all sorts of different things. His wife gets hurt and he takes her to the Doctor, they learn that she has cancer and that she will live for 1 year at most. He starts writing a story for her every day. She lives 4 more years and almost recovers, but goes on a trip where she worked too hard, and dies in her 5th year.

This movie was very creative and it was very interesting in the beginning, but I was very very bored by the end (it was 2 hours and 20 minutes). The visual effects were interesting, like when he was in the dream with the outdated robots or when there were jellyfish in the sky. The places where they shot some of the footage were very beautiful, like the tree in front of the mountains.

I would rate this movie 3.5/5


Reviewed by Peter

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