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BLOOD BROTHER a film about a man from Pittsburgh who moves to India not knowing what was coming for him. He soon gets involved in an HIV orphanage and falls in love with all the kids there. It is intense and shows many somewhat disturbing things. It is a very good film and does have some parts that makes one smile from ear to ear.

Blood Brother is very well done, It captures all the feelings and all the love and sadness there. There are parts that they can’t capture on a video camera, but the narator tells the story well enough that it seems like you are watching it.

In one scene there is a child that has gotten very sick and is obviously going to die soon. It is in one of the buildings and there were a lot of people crowding around and praying and chanting. They run in and insist on taking the girl to the hospital. The crowd shouts them down, but the father of the girl picks the girl up and follows the main character. It takes too long to get to the hospital, and the girl dies. The town blames the dad and the main character, and they are held acountable for a while after her death.

This was a great film, it was intruiging, sad, and it gives hope that things could change. It is well done and has a great story. I give it a 5/5.