Love Letter
    Today David, Anna, and I were supposed to see a bunch of short films, but the schedule was misprinted so we arrived really late, and only got to see one of them. It was called Love Letter, a cute story about a 7th grade boy writing a love letter to a girl, and then bullies printed copies and hung them all over school. I do not want to give away the ending because that would spoil it. I think this movie was very good, but do not take little kids to it because there was some mildly bad language.
    A group of us also went to see the movie Crude Impact, a documentary talking about how the world is running out of oil, and what the United States has done to other countries in order to get oil. I thought it was amazing and very educational, but watching it for 98 minutes was a
little too long.
    Check in tomorrow to see how the movie Avenue Montaigne went.
Sunday, January 28, 2007