Collecting Childhood
    Today I went to see the movie Finding Kraftland, a documentary about one man’s amazing collections of things from amusement parks, such as a giant Dumbo. Along with other old board games, toys, shampoo bottles, and you name it. It also showed him with his teenage son Nicky and their relationship together. It turned out that the stars of the show were actually in the theatre with us, and after the presentation they did a Question and Answer section so that we got to ask them questions.
   Something really unexpected that happened was that during the movie the movie theatre fire alarm went off. There was a siren and flashing lights and all the people almost evacuated, but then personnel came in and said that there was not a fire and everything was okay. HOW EXCITING!
       I will keep you posted on tomorrows blog.
    Oh and by the way, I thought the movie was really amazing.
Saturday, January 27, 2007