First Day
    Today I went and saw Blindsight, a movie about Tibetan blind kids going on an expedition to the top of Mt. Everest. After the show we got to meet and question the producer, Sybil Robson. She was a really nice woman who actually went on the trip with the cast for the movie, in order for her to record it. I also saw Recycled Life, a documentary about children and adults working in the Guatemala City Garbage Dump and Ayamye, a documentary about how bicycles are coming to Ghana, and how they are improving the lives of people there. I thought it was very interesting to see how much people’s lives are affected by transportation. There was one nurse that every month had to go to four different villages to give shots, but she had to walk for over an hour each way. Now that she has a bicycle, it is much easier to do what she needs to do. Also, a little over a year ago women in Ghana did not ride bicycles, only the men did, but now that Bikes Not Bombs is selling bikes for $20 each, and they are making life easier, it is more common to see women riding. The local women made a statement in the movie that they felt more independent having the use of a bicycle.
Friday, January 26, 2007