Can Mr. Smith Go to Washington Anymore?
    About an aspiring young man who is trying to fight his way to the top. Desiring to become a congressman, but never been heard of, and so not liked or believed in. This movie is the “sequel” to Mr. Smith Goes to Washington about Mr. Smith trying to get to Washington.
    I have to admit, I was late to this one. I’m also 12 and not able to vote yet. So why should I like it? Well, I didn’t. But it was interesting. Because following the story of a politician that has never been heard of before or has no previous political experience is interesting. It also wasn’t what I was expecting. Usually when something is expected from a movie, it ruins it. Expecting it to be everything my teacher said ruined it.
    One thing I liked about the movie was seeing how determined everyone was to help Jeff win this election. Mr. Smith also used some really interesting arguments as to what would make him a better congressman than his opponents. For instance, he said that he was the one going door to door and not his opponents. He was the one getting to know the people and his opponents weren’t.
    Parents and adults, see this movie. Children, unless you’re interested in a something you can’t vote on yet, don’t’ see it. Overall, I didn’t like it, but people that can vote might.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007