Al Gore: David Attenborough Award

I did fall asleep on this one. But not because Al Gore was boring or anything, it’s just hard to keep going on pancakes, cookies and popcorn. In fact, Al Gore was the complete opposite of boring, he was instead, incredibly compelling.
He talked about his global warming and politics; he covered it all. Here were many occasions that the audience was so moved by what he said that the sound of applause filled the theatre. He talked a lot about his film, An Inconvenient Truth. It was all very interesting. I remember the tagline to the evening was “It’s true, we made a movie about a slide show.” He and Davis Guggenheim said that now that his slide show is a movie, it’s much easier to branch out to more people. Now he doesn’t have to fly all over the world to raise awareness about global warming.
Al Gore did plenty of talking, and Davis Guggenheim, not so much. I guess it was good that way because to tell the truth, everyone was there for Al Gore. I also didn’t think that questions worked well with Gore. He didn’t need any guidance or help to say what he wanted to say. He almost didn’t respond to the questions and just went ahead with what he was saying. He was there to receive an award, but he did so much more; he made us all think about how exactly we wanted to live our life.
So even though I fell asleep, I was completely enraptured by what he was saying. How is it possible not to be. He is a very strong political figure. He knows how to make a good speech. And he knows how to get people’s attention. And he knows how to create an enjoyable evening.
Sunday, February 4, 2007