Quantum Hoops
    Quantum Hoops is a documentary about the losing streak of Caltech’s basketball team. It seems cruel, but it’s told in a funny, amusing way that keeps you hooked on everything that’s going on. The ending is great. The last basketball game of the season and they’re almost winning. Could this be the end of the 21-year losing streak?
The story focuses on how even though the team is constantly losing, they still love to play the game. Many of the boys feel that basketball takes their minds off of the difficult curriculum at Caltech for a few hours. It’s what keeps them going if they have eight hours of homework that night. Even if they get no sleep that night, it’s nice to work and sweat in the gym in basketball practice.
The director makes it clear that all that enthusiasm is the only reason that the coaches keep on coaching at the school. Everybody wants a win, of course, but it’s not the most important thing anymore. If they can at least challenge the other team at first, they’ve done their job.
The Caltech basketball team is full of energy and hope of a win. The team clearly works hard to get as close as they can to winning. In the past few years, the team improved so much that now they can start hoping for wins, and not just close games. Maybe that’s what basketball should be all about. This team is doing it right.
Sunday, February 4, 2007