Crude Impact
    Hey Guys!  I started out my day by waking up and barely having time to get dressed. I rushed over to the trailer and found out that we were a half hour late for the Apple Box Shorts. I only got to see one full short! I admit it was pretty good though. But that's why I don't have a review for the Apple Box Shorts, because I didn't get to see much of it! Then I went home and jogged for a little while, that is until my next movie (didn't jog the WHOLE time, then I would have been jogging for 6 hours straight)! I saw Crude Impact! I really liked that movie. It was almost as good as the Queen! Well, cheerio.
Synopsis: A documentary of the harsh reality of oil. Basically this movie is about what oil is doing to the earth, how it's affecting people and the scary truth.
Review: Strangely, I found this documentary entertaining! It was very well done, and I liked how this film filled me up with facts, then as soon as I was starting to fall asleep, it moved onto the next topic. There was also a humorous part to this film, as the film spent most of it's time on how bad things are turning out, but then the last 5 minutes of the film has some hope in it. This movie is the hard, yet interesting, truth of what the world is becoming. If you like helping the earth, and getting motivated to help people, then you should DEFINITELY watch this film.
Sunday, January 28, 2007