The Great Yokai War
    The movie The Great Yokai War, was an interesting, weird, insane movie.  The movie was about a Japanese boy, who is made the Kirin Rider, and how he enters an insane world.  The whole movie was filled with odd scary scenes in which I could not stop laughing.  It was a very weird movie, and anyone that wants to go and laugh at a movie, go and see this movie.
PS. The best part of this movie for me is the reason I went to it, and the state of mind I went to it in.  You see I expected the movie to be an intense war documentary, and I thought I was in the wrong theater 5 minutes into the film, but then I realized that I was in the right theater, and that this was an intense war, but between stuffed animals, and robots.
Thursday, February 1, 2007