An Amazing Day
Today I saw the movie The Italian, it was about a six year old Russian boy who was in an orphanage. He was going to be adopted by a loving Italian couple, but instead of going with them he ran away to find his biological mom. It is definitely one of my favorite movies I have seen so far, even though it has subtitles. I would give away the ending, but I do not want to spoil it for you, so you just have to see it!
I also went to the Centerpiece red carpet event and the film, Amazing Grace. On the red carpet Eli, Alissa, and I interviewed the two main actors in the film. They were both very nice and excited for the movie. Something surprising to me is that Benedict Cumberbatch, (as Pit, the Younger) had never seen the finished movie. As for how the movie went, I loved how it unveiled a lot of history, while also focusing on the life of the main character William Wilberforce (played by Ioan Gruffudd.) I did think it was a little too long, and adults might enjoy, and appreciate, it more.
        And to top of this amazing day, we got to go to the set behind the Arlington Theatre where they were shooting the Food Network’s new show, Dinner: Impossible. We got to meet the very nice chef, Robert, and ask him a few questions. And better yet, we got to sample an amazing asparagus dish, and have the best lamb. To check out our interview go to the Too Cool section.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007