Monday Blog
    It’s Alissa and I had an easy day yesterday. I saw a movie, went home and saw another one. The movies I saw were Taking Guns From Boys and Bella. I’d have to say my favorite of the two would have to be Bella. After the movie, we got an interview with the two producers of the movie, and the star of the film Eduardo Verástegui. Both were extremely nice and I was told that if I were Mexican, I would be in a dead faint right now because I had met the Nsync of Mexico. We had a weird Q&A though. The first question was what the film was supposed to express. Except the woman asking the question was really rude, because they had talked about how they had made the film to express hope, but the first thing she said was, “I got the complete opposite reaction to the film,” and she carried on and on how it wasn’t realistic and everything and how she was apparently extremely outraged that they had made it seem like it was a film about how wrong it was to get an abortion. It was crazy. Like, the whole time I was kinda sinking down into my seat. It made me fell bad cause I really liked the film. Then the last question was completely the opposite. This girl stood up and told Eduardo that she was from Columbia and how she had been “following his career for, I don’t know how many years and I am so impressed with you and I love you! And I’m so glad you’ve decided to make films like these because before he was making soap operas because I’m an actress, and I just really want to do what you’re doing” and pretty much asking him for an invitation to act with him. Awkward! And all the “questions” in between those two were: “Oh, I loved the way you did this or that . . .” and it was a big waste of questions. Except for when Margaret asked where the name of the film came from. It was kinda funny cause he said that he had to save the file with a name on the computer so he just called it Bella and then when they voted on the name later, it came out to be Bella so they found a way to incorporate that into the story. But even though the Q&A was weird, the film was great!
Monday, January 29, 2007