My first day at Mac World was packed with excitement and technology revolution. Steve Jobs's Keynote was exciting and innovative, and the new things that they came out with sure revolutionized the way we think about style -- and renting videos! To me, the most exciting thing was the new addition to the Macbook family. It is the all-new Macbook Air. It is the thinnest laptop in the business, and despite its size, It has 2 gigs of RAM and it is as fast as any other Macbook.

The other cool part for me was when Steve introduced Apple's new way of renting movies. On the iTunes store, you can rent movies for less than at Blockbuster, not to mention that they have tons and tons of new and old videos to choose from. If you don't feel like going to your local Blockbuster or Wherehouse, renting a video from your computer, or even off you Apple TV, is the way to go! 2008 sure looks as if it will be "the year" for Apple, and I can't wait to see what they do in the future. There sure was something in the air today!

Technology Revolution in the Air