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My name is Henry, and I am 14 years old, and an 8th grader at SBMS and a Teen Press Reporter.

I like to read, write, and play bass guitar. I have vivid dreams and I am in a band with my friends. One of the reasons I joined Teen Press is because I want to interview people with interesting stories and get better at talking to strangers.

My dream interview would be to interview Wes Anderson, he is an aspiring filmmaker and an amazing director. My top 5 favorite movies are A Clockwork Orange, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original from 1974), The Darjeeling Limited, Boyhood, and The Dark Knight. I also want to debate people whose opinion I don’t agree with, I want to be taken seriously when talking to people and not be discriminated against because of my age. I wish to have a great experience interviewing people and being with the Teen Press.