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My name is Nicos, and I am a 6th grader at SBMS and a Teen Press Reporter.


My name is Nicos Christou, (yeah it’s Greek)

I am eleven years old and I love Soccer, Football, and making Movies.

The reason I wanted to join Teen Press is because I love stories, I kind of always have, I used to bug my mom for hours until she read me a book, Teen Press just goes out there and captures stories, so I knew that it would be perfect for me.

If I could visit with anyone in the world it would be 50 Cent, he went through a lot in his life, and I would love to see his life story from his point of view. I think we would talk about sports, we both like sports so we have that in common, and plus that is a light subject, not too deep.

My father is kind of my hero. He inspires me because in his life he never did anything cheap, he never ripped anybody off and he always kept his integrity, (except when he blew the dude’s car up.) He also never gave up...ever.

Once, my dad had a final exam and it was a take home exam, he spent 3 day and 3 nights doing the last problem in the test, the next day he was 5 minutes early for the class and he dozed off, (I can imagine that) some guys saw him asleep and copied his answers without him knowing, then he saw the piece of paper in their hand and noticed that it was his, but he didn’t say anything, he then told his teacher “in doing this assignment I was able to keep my shadow and my soul, they had talked about this previously and the the teacher got the hint that they copied his answers.

My favorite quote is “It is what it is.”

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