SBMS Teen Press team logo

My name is Finnian, and I'm in 8th grade.

I am a member of the Santa Barbara Middle School Teen Press Team 30 and a past member of the Santa Barbara Middle School Teen Press Team 26. The experiences I had and the stories I heard in my time in Team 26 compelled me to join Team 30. I love hearing about what others are interested in and giving them a chance to share a story they may have never shared. I always love the feeling when I ask a good question that makes the person I’m interviewing think about their answer, and maybe that question may make them think far further beyond their answer.
This team of Teen Press will be going to San Francisco to a national teachers convention. There, I hope to spread the word about the Teen Press documentary and help give other kids a chance that I have been lucky to receive twice.

When I am not busy with Teen Press and school I love to play volleyball. I have been playing for about 3 years and I love it more everyday. I am also in a school club called Community Action that works to help communities within Santa Barbara or across the world.

I hope that the work I do in Teen Press and Community Action will help me later in my life. I hope to make a change or be helpful to the world in some way.

I am so glad to be in Teen Press Team 30 and I can’t wait for the amazing adventures and the even better stories!

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