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Hi my name is Delaney, and I am an 8th grader at Santa Barbara Middle School.

I am a very outgoing person, who gets along with everyone. My hobbies include volleyball, hanging out with friends, and reaching out to others. I play for Santa Barbara Volleyball club and on the beach when I can. I am a member of Santa Barbara’s National Charity league. I love to help the different local charities. It is my second year here at SBMS and I have really enjoyed my whole experience at this school. I can’t wait to have fun.

I joined Teen Press because I thought it would be a great way to learn more about our own community and the hidden stories inside. I didn’t join Teen Press to meet famous people, but to see what it is like in their shoes. I want to see what it is like behind the camera, overflowing with nerves. This will help me face my own nerves and gain self-confidence. I would also like to make someone’s day and put a smile across their face. It seems like it will be an amazing semester in Teen Press and a good way to end the year.

Being in Teen Press is a privilege. I promise to always be on my best behavior and try my hardest at everything. Teen Press provides an outstanding chance to get to know yourself better and watch yourself grow as a student and as a person. I can’t wait to have more fun in Teen Press.

If I could interview anyone in the world, dead or alive, I would interview my own teacher, John. He is my Teen Press teacher, but it makes it all even better. I love how John intakes everything in a positive way. He is also very accepting towards others no matter what situation they are in. He is someone who can always bring you up when you’re down, and makes sure you are okay. John recognizes the good in everyone and never looks down upon someone. John is my hero in our SBMS community and I think he should be acknowledged for it.