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Hi, my name is Jensen. I am a seventh grade at Santa Barbara Middle School. I am very excited to be a part of the Teen Press and I can’t wait to meet and interview some amazing people.

I should probably tell you about myself since this is a biography. Some of my hobbies include skateboarding, basketball, guitar, reading, and video games. I am not that great at skateboarding though, because I only started a month ago. I also enjoy video editing and everything to do with computers! My favorite movie is currently either Skyfall or The Dark Knight Rises. They were both amazing movies that really paid attention to the storytelling and not just the action. My all-time favorite band is Rise Against. They are a punk rock band from Chicago and I thoroughly enjoy all of their songs, even the slower ones. When I grow up I plan to either be part of a band or an author who writes young adult fantasy stories. If I could travel anywhere I would like to visit Italy. I am very interested in the culture and architecture and would love to maybe see some ancient castles.

I want to be in the Santa Barbara Middle School Teen Press because it sounds like a fun and interesting experience to meet people that have changed the world. I also would like to be part of it to get over my nervousness. Sometimes when I am the center of attention I become so overwhelmed and scared and I would love to overcome that. Another cool thing is I could also maybe get me in there with some famous people which would be pretty awesome but that is not really what I’m shooting for in Teen Press. I want to interview people who will open up and share their whole story and not be afraid. People who are really interested and give thought to the questions I ask. On this note, my dream interview would probably be Chester See. He is a sensation on Youtube with over a million subscribers and has an amazing voice. I love his songs and he seems like a really cool guy who would open up to share his story.

I am really looking forward to the upcoming weeks as part of the Teen Press, and I can’t wait to start interviewing some amazing people!