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Hi, my name is Wilson, and I am a 7th grader at SBMS.

I choose to be in Teen Press because it seemed like a great way to meet new people, perform, and learn a lot in the process. If I could interview anyone in the world, I would choose the Dalai Lama, because I think he is a very wise man, and he would probably have some really good answers. My dream life would be if I lived on a big ranch in north Carolina, right by the ocean, with a happy family,and lots of pets (including a pet monkey). My dream job would be a zoo director, because I want to work with exotic animals. My favorite musicians are Jason Mraz and Train.

I guess my dream potato is one that I grew in my own backyard, and then cooked it with lemon. My favorite movie treat is probably either Sour Patch Kids, or popcorn, or an Icee. My favorite movie is either Peter Pan, or The Last Mimzy. My favorite movie quote is “Second star to the right, then straight on till morning” from Peter Pan.